Conversion FAA > EU


On this page you can read how you can convert your FAA PPL license with a SEP rating to an EU PPL SEP. If you have an other than American license, we refer you to our ICAO-EU conversion page. 

Two preliminary remarks:

  • We do not do CPL/ATPL certification conversions and ratings such as IR/ME,
  • And we do not conduct a conversion Skill test on your own aircraft.

For the conversion you must meet the following requirements;

  1. you need 100 hours of experience (combination of PIC and DUAL),
  2. you must pass the Aviation Law and Radio Telephony exams,
  3. you need to get a Radiotelephony certificate,
  4. you need to do an LPE test,
  5. you have a Dutch medical class II, and
  6. you have to take a Skill-test.

Note 1. If you don’t have 100 hours flight time, you’ll have to build up those hours in the license issuing country or fly with one of our airplanes. The latter is only possible with an instructor. Solo flights are not allowed.

Note 2. You can use our Learning Management System (LMS) to practice questions. This e-learning program can be purchased through our webshop. This LMS is full of practical information, takes you through the application process and it includes an up-to-date database. We also offer the Aviation Law and Radio Telephony Pooleys books in our webshop or at the VSH reception.

Note 3. For the Radiotelephony course you can make an appointment with ATC-COM for an adapted course. Indicate that you are in the proces for a EU conversion. If you can demonstrate that you have a Radiotelephony endorsement on the FAA PPL license, the Radiotelephony endorsement will be taken over and you do not have to retake the Radiotelephony course.

Note 4. For the LPE course you can make an appointment with ATC-COM.

Note 5. You can make an appointment with one of the Dutch medical examination centers.

Note 6. After you have collected all the certificates mentioned, you can make an appointment with one of our examiners to take the Skill-test.

In terms of practice, you do not officially need flight training before the Skill-test. In practice it turns out that a training program is desirable and this is customization. Think of differences in airspace layout, procedures, aircraft control, experience and recent flight hours.

Depending on your flight experience and hours you will need more or less training hours. In practice it appears that for this conversion approx. 3 training flights are required. So for a rough estimate if you fly on our Cessna / Warrior, this conversion including aircraft rental, landings, supplies, all certificates, theory exams, Skill-test and issuing of license costs approximately € 3000.

Please contact us if you are interested in this conversion.

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